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Hot Air Gun

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Low-cost electrically powered heat shrink gun for smaller pack sizes

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local_shippingDelivery: 1-4 Working Days
  • 1200W heat output
  • Requires standard 230v 13amp power supply
  • Ideal for shrink wrapping smaller packages
  • May be stored on the HABSTD stand during use to prevent damage or injury
  • Weight 0.86kg
  • 1200W heat output
  • Requires standard 230v 13amp power supply
  • Ideal for shrink wrapping smaller packages
  • May be stored on the HABSTD stand during use to prevent damage or injury
  • Weight 0.86kg
Code: PAHAB1500

Prices per individual gun

1 - 4 guns
5 - 14 guns
15+ guns
£38.15 + vat
£36.66 + vat
£35.29 + vat
£45.78 inc vat
£43.99 inc vat
£42.35 inc vat