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Plier Stapler

Found 1 product

Ideal for sealing padded mailer bags, sacks and small cartons

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local_shippingDelivery: 1-4 Working Days
  • Three interchangeable anvils for different stapling profiles
  • Compatible with 73/8 73/10 and 73/12 staples
  • Weight 0.4kg
  • Three interchangeable anvils for different stapling profiles
  • Compatible with 73/8 73/10 and 73/12 staples
  • Weight 0.4kg
Code: PASHR31

Prices per individual stapler

1 - 3 staplers
4 - 16 staplers
17+ staplers
£35.73 + vat
£30.80 + vat
£28.81 + vat
£42.88 inc vat
£36.96 inc vat
£34.57 inc vat