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Safety Cutter

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Best-selling, ergonomically designed multipurpose cutter and slitter

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  • Finger and thumb rests in optimum position for all hand sizes
  • Wider more comfortable body profile
  • Embossed body for enhanced grip
  • Large thumbnail cutter pierces tape seals without damaging carton contents
  • Slitter blade for plastic strap and stretchwrap film cutting
  • Finger and thumb rests in optimum position for all hand sizes
  • Wider more comfortable body profile
  • Embossed body for enhanced grip
  • Large thumbnail cutter pierces tape seals without damaging carton contents
  • Slitter blade for plastic strap and stretchwrap film cutting
Code: PACX3

Prices per individual cutters

12 - 93 cutters
105 - 509 cutters
521+ cutters
£1.90 + vat
£1.67 + vat
£1.54 + vat
£2.28 inc vat
£2.00 inc vat
£1.85 inc vat

Please Order This Product in Multiples of 12

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