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Pacplan® AirWave2 High Speed Pillow System

On-demand air pillow void fill for more demanding environments

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Code: PAPW2

Prices per individual system

1 - 2 systems
3 - 4 systems
5+ systems
Ł1,948.95 + vat
Ł1,926.02 + vat
Ł1,903.63 + vat
Ł2,338.74 inc vat
Ł2,311.22 inc vat
Ł2,284.36 inc vat

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Introducing the Pacplan® AirWave2 High Speed Pillow System, a high-performance solution for efficient void fill and cushioning in your packaging. This advanced system is designed to generate air pillows at high speed, providing rapid packaging solutions for your products.

Key Features:

  • High-Speed Air Pillow Generation: The AirWave2 system delivers air pillows at a high production rate, ensuring fast and efficient void fill in your packaging process. It is capable of generating air pillows quickly to meet the demands of high-volume packaging operations.
  • Flexible Pillow Size and Configuration: This system offers customizable settings to control the size, inflation level, and configuration of the air pillows. You can easily adjust these parameters to meet the specific packaging requirements of your products.
  • Advanced Technology: The AirWave2 system utilizes cutting-edge technology to deliver superior performance. It features advanced controls, sensors, and mechanisms to optimize air pillow production and ensure consistent quality.
  • User-Friendly Interface: With a user-friendly interface, the AirWave2 system is easy to operate. It allows for intuitive control and monitoring of the air pillow generation process, minimizing the learning curve for your packaging team.
  • Reliable and Durable Construction: Built to withstand the rigors of high-speed packaging operations, the AirWave2 system is constructed with quality materials and components. It is designed for long-lasting performance and minimal maintenance requirements.

Elevate your packaging efficiency with the Pacplan® AirWave2 High Speed Pillow System. Its high-speed operation, customizable settings, and advanced technology make it an ideal solution for optimizing your packaging process and ensuring effective void fill and cushioning for yourproducts during transit.

Additional Features:

$compatible with all AirWave pillow film (not included)$produces pillows and quilts from the same machine$programmable one-key technology$ergonomic design$powerful performance$power saving mode$program lock function$optional Bluetooth connectivity$maximum film width 420mm$12-20mtr per minute output$dimensions 316 x 413 x 232mm (W x D x H) -extending base increases width to 466mm$weight 5.6kg

Warranty: 1 Yr Back to Base


Warranty  i
1 year

Specifications are subject to change - See Terms & Conditions for more info